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Port of Nansha
Save 30-50% on Local Drays to Nansha vs Shenzhen. Deep Water Port already loading Mega Vessels (Ben Franklin-18,000teus) No Congestion—31min turn times. 36 Gates In/24 Gates out. 8 Sailings a week to N.Amer/EU, Over 75 Worldwide. Experience: 5th largest port in the World, 4th in China. Open 24/7/365

Port Facts - Port of Nansha
Nansha Terminal of Guangzhou Port is located at Longxue Island in South Guangzhou city. It is the only deepwater container terminal on the west Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. Nansha Terminal covers 14 dynamic city clusters including Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhongshan, and Jiangmen.

Major Development of infrastructure for Port of Nansha ready this year
All three major shipping alliances now have direct services to and from the Port of Nansha, connecting Europe, the Middle East and North America directly in the major east-west trades, as well as directly north-south, especially the African trades and Intra-Asia.

About Us - Port of Nansha
Port of Nansha, of the Guangzhou Port Group is located on Longxxue Island in South Guangzhou City. Port of Nansha represents approximately 75% of the 23.51 million TEU’s. It is the fastest growing port in South China and the only deep-water port on the Western Pearl River Delta.

Solutions - Port of Nansha
Construction for on-dock rail capabilities at Nansha Port began in 2015 and will be completed in 2022. When inaugurated, the project will connect Nansha terminals with Jiangmen, Foshan, Zhongshan, as well as the national rail network

N. America Eastbound - Port of Nansha
NANSHA NEWARK CHARLESTON SAVANNAH MIAMI FREEPORT; MSK/MSC/HSD/ZIM: Sun/1700: Mon: Sat/32: Wed/36: Fri/39: Mon/41: Tues/42: ALX Eastbound. SERVICE CUT OFF NANSHA LONG BEACH; Sea-Lead: Mon/1800: Mon: Wed/16: TPC Eastbound. SERVICE CUT OFF NANSHA LONG BEACH; CU Lines: Tues/1800: Tues: Thu/16: NW1 Eastbound. SERVICE CUT OFF NANSHA LONG BEACH;

Press - Port of Nansha
August 27, 2020: Port Of Guangzhou (Nansha) Listed #5 On JOC Top 50 Global Container Ports. July 13, 2020: South China’s Port of Nansha rising to meet cold chain logistics demand with leading-edge mega-warehouse. June 6, 2020: Port of Nansha grows as ocean alliances call and intra-Asia services boom. April 14, 2020: JOC: Nansha and Asia port ...

N. America Westbound - Port of Nansha
nansha; msk/msc/hsd/zim: thurs: fri/21: mon/18: fri: aac1/as6cc4 westbound. service cut off oakland nansha; cosco/cma: sat: sun: tue/22: tp17/jade/asus5/z7s suez eastbound. service cut off newark charleston savannah miami freeport nansha; msk/msc/hsd/zim: tbd: mon/41: thurs/39: wed/36: tues/34: wed/33: mon: tp2/jaguar. service cut off nansha

Nansha deep water channels widening - Port of Nansha
September 14, 2020: The widening project, serving as a “No.1 Project” of making Guangzhou/Nansha port an international shipping hub, will put an end to the one way navigation for large container ships between the Guishan anchorage and Port of Nansha area.

Nansha Port’s improvements Expand Commerce
Nansha Port, one of South China’s largest-capacity ports, has implemented an electronic inspection and quarantine system to automatically issue the clearance of goods, helping increase efficiency for thousands of exporters in the Pearl River Delta region.




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